
Give today for a better tomorrow. Storyteller makes a profound impact on our children and families. Your support allows us to continue offering essential programs that address behavioral health, food insecurity, Kindergarten and life readiness.

This early intervention is invaluable, benefiting not only those we serve but also our entire community.

Ways to contribute

Individual giving

Annual giving, a monthly

donation, or Stock Transfers

helps support our teachers

and staff creating the best

environment for our students

to learn and explore.

Annual sponsorship

Make a lasting impact in your

community by partnering with

Storyteller as an Annual corporate

or business sponsor. Custom

benefits options available.


Spend time with our students,

help out in our administrative

offices, or work at our fundraising

events. Our community is a vital

partner in our success.


Purchase an item on our wishlist

helps to keep our classroom

supplies and equipment up

to date.

If you care about educational outcomes in Santa Barbara, then you need to care about early childhood trauma. If you care about long term health issues, you need to care about early childhood trauma. If you care about youth violence and gang violence, you need to care about early childhood trauma and if you care about early childhood trauma, you should be supporting the work of Storyteller.

– Jon Clark, Board Member

For more information on how you can make a difference, please email Heather Martinez, Director of Development, or call 805.730.0155. We look forward to hearing from you!